Katt Williams Comedy Bus Express
Meet at your group’s designated pick up location 30 minutes early.
BE ON TIME, we cannot wait for ANY late guests. Board Motor Coach and Check-In Sign in with SNE Check In Coordinator (CIC). Be sure to have your valid government issued photo id. It is required to show this id for access to all event facilities & coach.
NOTE: Speed up your process for Caesars Total Rewards Card Registration. Use mobile app in route that allows user to scan id via smart phone…. Visit https://www.totalrewards.com/Program/
2:00PM – 3:00PM: Arrive at Caesars Casino: (Remain on Bus until Greeter boards bus with vouchers) Bus will drop you off here and Casino Greeter will distribute your slot coin credit vouchers. All Guests must be at least 21 years old & sign up for Total Rewards card. Instructions for Return trip home will be given. Please write your exact departure time down below. Show tickets will also be distributed by SNE Greeter. Reminder, there are multiple SNE buses, each has its own specific departure time.
Pre-Show Free Time – Your Choice … Eat, Play, Enjoy! Take advantage of all the casinos have to offer; slots, tables, restaurants.
8:00PM Katt Williams Comedy Show (@ Boardwalk Hall, doors open at 7:00PM)
Boardwalk Hall is just 2 or 3 blocks away from Caesars or Bally’s along the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Travel between casino and Boardwalk Hall is on your own. You can walk, use Jitney, or Rolling Boardwalk Cart at your own expense. Check your admission ticket for your seating assignment. Boardwalk Hall has strict bag policy refer to Event Information page or Boardwalk Hall website.
After Show: Prepare to Meet your Bus at Caesar or Bally’s … Head back to original Casino bus where you were dropped you off at and enjoy your final moments in AC! Last chance to try your luck at Casino or grab a quick bite to eat.
12:00AM, is the estimated time to depart for approximately 8+ hour stay. Casino Greeter will confirm YOUR exact departure time as it may be adjusted at time of arrival to casino. Be On Time, Please. The bus cannot wait for ANY late guests.
Home: Arrive at your group’s drop off location. Please make sure you take all of your belongings with you. We hope you had an enjoyable experience, and be sure to ask your Group Leader about the next event
SNE Check-In Coordinator (CIC) is a volunteer travel liaison whose job is to check each passenger’s ID and confirm they are on the passenger list. They do not perform additional services and are not Tour Guides.
Photo ID, Event Wristbands, Medications: All Guests are required to bring a valid government issued photo id to show for proof of age, identity and to acquire special event wristbands for access to facilities and all events. Keep your medications with you at all times, access to your luggage is limited on a motorcoach.
Concert Seating: General Seating Arrangements: Be courteous to others by following these seating instructions. One chair per person, do not use chairs for storing handbags or other items. Do not shift chairs from one area to another. Stage is elevated for each seat to have a pleasurable viewing experience. For safety reasons, keep all aisles clear during the event. Upgraded Premium VIP seats are available in a reserved section with restricted access for an additional fee while supplies last. Ticketed Seating is at the venue’s discretion.
Concert Ticket Distribution: Ticketed Seating Assignments: Each guest must show valid government issued photo id and sign document to receive your seat ticket on the bus upon arrival at the casino. There is only one ticket per person and there are no replacements. Your ticket is your responsibility, if lost or stolen you would have to purchase a new one at the venue box office if there are any available at your own expense.
Motorcoach Standards & Policies: Safety is the #1 priority and mutual respect is key to an enjoyable trip. All passengers are to remain seated while the coach is in motion. All coaches are smoke free. All coolers and large items should be stowed in the undercarriage. Only items that fit in overhead bins are permitted on the coach. Glass is prohibited. Rest stops and consumption of alcohol is at the discretion of the driver and should be in a controlled moderation. Coach lavatory is designed for emergency use. Suggest utilizing fully equipped restrooms at rest stop facilities when possible. Rest Stops and consumption of alcohol is at the discretion of the driver, if allowed alcohol consumption should be in moderation and controlled.
Home Arrival Time: Please use the return trip home time on itinerary to estimate your “at home” arrival time. This is merely an estimate as unforeseen circumstances such as weather and traffic could alter travel.

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